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Head and skull: Wide skull, well marked, head well outlined. Huge jaws of medium length. Wedge – shaped head. Wide nose, well developed nostrils.
Eyes: Medium size, in the shape of rhombus, expressing intelligence and a good character. Bronze colour with chestnut or walnut tint.
Ears: Not heavy, not too big, floppy, settled at the back of the head.
Jaws: Strong teeth, scissors – shaped occlusion, regular, complete.
Neck: Marked, hefty and solid, strongly embedded in scapulas.
Front limbs: Long and slanting scapulas. Limbs have straight bones, and are straight from the elbow to the ground.
Torso: Horizontal upper line, wide and deep chest, strongly arched ribs. Wide, short and hefty loins.
Rear limbs and hindquarters: Ridge line can not fall down. Hindquarters well developed and oblique towards the tail. Well angled limbs, low embedded knee joint.
Feet: Rounded and compact. Toes well arched, tips well developed.
Tail: It is a unique feature of this breed. Medium length (to the top of the ankle joint), very thick at the bottom and thinner towards the end of it; without feather, totally covered with short, dense fur. It makes an impression that the tail is round, comparable to the otter’s tail. It can be worn cheerfully, but never rolled up over the back.
Movement: Natural, rear limbs are straight and hefty.
Fur: Short, dense, with underfur, rough in touch, without waviness and fringes.
Colour: Wholly black, yellow (sponge - cake, cream, gold, ginger), chocolate (chestnut, liver), a white spot on the chest acceptable.
Wzrost: Ideal height: for a dog: 56 –57 cm,for a bitch: 54 – 56 cm.
Temper: Intelligent, quick witted and vivid, willing to enjoy and play, naturally friendly, without any signs of aggression. The dog should not demonstrate timidity.
Sex: Females should have two normally developed testicles, clearly perceptible in the scrotum.
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Faults: Any deviations from the model are considered as faults, depending on their importance.